Selling Your Home During the Holidays

by Hannah Johnson

Are you considering or faced with the reality of selling your home during the holidays? Soon it will be the most wonderful time of year! Instead of enjoying the holiday spirit, are you preoccupied with whether or not to sell your home? Many sellers wonder if they should try to sell during the holidays or wait until January. Since the market can change quickly, it is always best to consult with a Realtor regarding the current housing market and trends in your area.  

If you’ve made the decision to list your home for sale during November and December, here are some tips to help you prepare:

Yard Displays 

  • Skip the lawn figurines and adornments. Whether it’s Santa or Baby Jesus, try to keep your yard free from clutter.
  • Wondering about hanging those exterior lights? While they can add pizzaz to your home’s exterior, be mindful of avoiding gaudy lights.

Seasonal Yard Photos

Do you have lovely gardens or landscaping that may be covered by snow when your house is listed? Pull out your camera and provide any photos of your yard from the most recent spring, summer, or autumn. This will give buyers an idea of what the yard looks like despite the time of year it’s listed.

selling home during the holidays exterior decor

〉Interior Holiday Décor  

You don’t have to skip having your Christmas tree or holiday decorations. That being said, we highly recommend having your professional photos taken
before you decorate. If your home continues to stay active on the market into January, you don’t want the photos to date your listing.    

Keep Up with the Snow 

Will you be out of town for Christmas or New Year’s? Make sure you have help lined up to shovel your driveway and walkway while you are gone. Minnesota is known for its blizzards! Plan ahead by either hiring a service or asking a neighbor or friend to be on call to shovel. You’d be surprised how many buyers are willing to risk the roads for the right house!

selling home during the holidays cozy interior during winter

While many assume that the real estate market slows down during holidays, there are still people in search of the perfect home. Fewer listings means competition is lower, and often times, winter buyers are motivated buyers. Our experienced team of Realtors understands changing market dynamics. We will set you up for a successful sale, even in winter! Highlight the cozy features of your home and be ready to impress!

selling home during the holidays sparkling christmas village