Need some guidance on what to do at the World Snow Sculpting Championship? As a recent college graduate, Downtown Stillwater has plenty to offer on a tight budget if you look in the right places.Through January 23rd, Stillwater is hosting the World Snow Sculpting Championship with teams from Argentina, Germany, Ecuador, and more. Going on the first day meant mostly freezing in single digit weather and viewing the first few strokes on squares of snow.
Watching these teams was very cool in addition to all the other activities down by the water. I will be coming back this weekend to see the final products. Try to find what I assume is a Paul Bunyan sculpture just a little off from the championship. So, bundle up and keep reading.
Down by the river is a multitude of activities to occupy your time. Bring skates for an all-day adventure with Water Street Inn’s Winter River-Side Ice Skating Rink. Skating is free from 8am-10pm with some events throughout the week including open hockey. Head to the warming houses for WCSS for a cup of Leo’s Malted Hot Chocolate that is rich, thick, and creamy to give you a second chance to brave the cold. Just a bit upriver is the Ice Palace Maze at the Zephyr Theater for $22 at the door.
Downtown Shops
If you are down by the river, be sure to hop up two blocks into the variety of shops on the downtown strip. As someone with a large sweet tooth, I frequently visit Candyland, Tremblay’s, and Barbara Ann’s Fudge for popcorn, saltwater taffy, and fudge. To gain some inspiration for my inner crafter, I visit Smith and Trade Mercantile and Darn Knit. Although these are some of my favorites, be sure to walk the strip as there are many unique shops.
The Wild Rice Cookoff
Visit any of the participating restaurants and sample their unique takes on a traditional favorite! We recommend LoLo’s “Minnesota Goodbye”! NUM!! Don’t forget to cast your vote for your favorite!
Wintertime in Stillwater Lights Display
Be sure to stay until dark to view the lights display on Chestnut Street. With fireplaces to keep you warm and the Lift Bridge a block away, there is plenty to see while socializing outside. Since, the light show is right next to Leo’s, I did have to stop in to get a delicious Black Cherry Malt. Sadly, I was too excited for ice cream to take a picture, but that only speaks to the perfect way to end the day.
If you plan on going to Stillwater for the World Snow Sculpting Championship, make sure to layer up more than you think to enjoy all that Stillwater has to offer from outdoor activities to hitting the local shops.